
Skeleton Key

Purchase a yearly Skeleton Key license subscription from GhostProxies for permitted usage of GhostProxies algorithms under specific conditions and terms.


Subscribe for $1000000 per year per business entity to possess an active Skeleton Key license.


GhostProxies algorithms are subject to the following usage permission conditions beyond a reasonable, short-term evaluation period.

Skeleton Key License GhostProxies [] Permission to both copy GhostProxies algorithms and use copies of GhostProxies algorithms is granted only when the following 3 conditions are satisfied. 1. The author, copyright holder or publisher of any element containing a copy of a GhostProxies algorithm or a derivation from a copy of a GhostProxies algorithm must be a legal entity in possession of an active Skeleton Key license obtained from the following website URL. 2. These software license conditions in entirety, both unmodified and without obfuscation, must be included wherever an instance of either a copy of a GhostProxies algorithm or a derivation from a copy of a GhostProxies algorithm is implemented. 3. Liability for damages incurred in conjunction with each GhostProxies algorithm must not be assumed by GhostProxies, William Stafford Parsons or associated intellectual property.


Computer scientists, engineers and researchers employed by top software companies focus aggressively on enhancing the building blocks of AI, cloud computing, multimedia devices and robotics.

To discourage redundant, unsuccessful research budget spending on pursuing superiority among ruthless competitors, GhostProxies offers an emporium of ultimate basic algorithms for each set of listed implementation requirements.

As both a mad computer scientist and the sole proprietor of GhostProxies, William Stafford Parsons invests thousands of his own research and development hours to eliminate the technical possibility of contextual algorithm obsoletion.

As a result, talent is freed up to focus on higher-level, subjective constraints for the world's most impactful and important technology products.